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Kamis, 08 September 2011

Helicobacter reference

Selected References

1.      Sarker et al, 2006. Anti-Helicobacter pylori Therapy Improves Iron Status and Gastric Acid Output in Young Bangladeshi Women with H. pylori-Associated Hypochloridia and Iron Deficiency Anaemia.
2.      Sarker et al, 2005. Serum Ferritin, Haemoglobin, Soluble Transferrin Receptor and Helicobacter pylori Infection in Peri-Urban Community Children in Bangladesh.
3.      Munoz-Codoceo, 2004. Iron deficiency anaemia in paediatric patients with Helicobacter pylori infection.
4.      Russo-Mancuso, et al 2003. Iron Deficiency Anaemia as the only sign of Infection with Helicobacter pylori: A Report of 9 Paediatric cases. International Journal of Haematology. 78: 429-431.
5.      Roussos et al, 2002. Helicobacter pylori Seroprevalence in patients with Chronic Bronchitis. Journal of Gastroenterology. 37:332-335.
6.      Pena et al, 2003. Helicobacter Hepaticus-induced Colitis is diminished by Co infection with Lactobacillus.
7.      Rokkas et al, 2006. Meta-analyses on the Relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection and Extra-gastric GI cancers.
8.      Shmuely et al, 2003. Helicobacter pylori CagA Status and Colorectal Cancer.
9.      Zerbib et al, 2003. Prevalence of Entero-Hepatic Helicobacters in Crohn’s Disease: Preliminary study.
10.  Oliveira et al, 2003. Crohn’s Disease and Helicobacter Species in the Intestinal Mucosa.
11.  Ierardi et al, 1998. Halitosis and Helicobacter Pylori. A Possible Relationship. Digestive Diseases & Sciences. Vol 43, No. 12: 2733-2737.
12.  Bajenov et al, 2005. Helicobacter pylori Infection of the Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease.
13.  Franceschi et al, 2007. Atherosclerotic Burden in Patients with Infection Sustained by CagA-Positive Strains of Helicobacter pylori.
14.  Choi et al, 2006. Association of Helicobacter pylori Infection with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Korean Adults who were Diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease.
15.  Sperduti et al, 2006. Evaluation of Sub clinical Vascular Alterations in Helicobacter pylori Positive Patients.
16.  Franceschi et al, 2005. Virulent Strains of Helicobacter pylori in Patients with Stable and Unstable Angina Pectoris.
17.  Gabrielli et al, 2003. Cag-A Positive Cytotoxic H. pylori Strains: a Link between Plaque Instability and Atherosclerotic Stroke?
18.  Migneco et al, 2003. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection Improves Blood Pressure Values in Patient Affected by Arterial Hypertension.
19.  Kucukazman et al, 2008. The Relationship Between Updated Sydney System Score and LDL Cholesterol Levels in Patients Infected with Helicobacter pylori. Digestive Diseases & Sciences – click here
20.  Ciok et al, 2006. Helicobacter pylori Eradication and Serum Level of Homocysteine and Folic Acid – 1 Year Intervention Study.
21.  Queiroz et al, 2004. The effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on plasma vitamin B12 and homocysteine levels in elderly patients.
22.  Sipponen et al, 2003. H. pylori Related Atrophic Gastritis is a Common Cause of low Vitamin B12 and High Homocysteine in Serum in an Elderly Male Population.
23.  Rieder et al, 2004. CagA Induced hypochloridia in H. pylori infected Mongolian Gerbils is important for gastric mucosa development towards gastric cancer.
24.  Hayakawa et al, 2004. Role of Helicobacter pylori infection on delayed gastric liquid emptying in gastric ulcers.
25.  Hoffman et al, 1995. Rabbit and Ferret Parietal Cell Inhibition by Helicobacter Species. Digestive Diseases & Sciences. Vol. 40. No.1: 147-152.
26.  Belzer et al, 2006. Urease-induced Calcium Precipitation by Bile-Resistant Helicobacter Species ay Initiate Gallstone Formation.
27.  Abu Al-Soud et al, 2006. Prevalence of Helicobacter and Other Bacteria in Bile and Gallbladder of Kosovan Patients with Chronic Cholecystitis in Correlation to Age, Gender and Urban-rural Differences.
28.  Govorun et al, 2002. Helicobacter Species Found in Gallbladder Stones.
29.  Apostolov et al, 2003. Link Between Helicobacter and Chronic Gall Bladder Disease.
30.  Aydemir et al, 2005. The Effect of Helicobacter pylori on Insulin Resistance. Digestive Diseases & Sciences. Vol. 50. No.11: 2090-2093.
31.  Queiroz et al, 2007. Detection of Helicobacter pylori in the Liver of Patients with Different Aetiologies of Hepatic diseases.
32.  Candelli et al, 2005. Helicobacter pylori Infection in HCV-Related Chronic Liver Disease & Thrombocytopenia.
33.  Giannini et al, 2003. Helicobacter pylori Infection is Associated with Greater Impairment of Cytochrome P-450 Liver Metabolic Activity in Anti-HCV Positive Cirrhotic Patients. Digestive Diseases & Sciences. 48. 4: 802-808.
34.  Kosunen et al, 2006. The Effect of Eradication Therapy for Helicobacter pylori Infection on the Incidence of Gastric and Other Cancers.
35.  De Bastiani et al, 2004. Improvement of Migraine after H. pylori Eradication.
36.  Gabrielli et al, 2001. Beneficial Effects of Helicobacter pylori Eradication on Migraine: a 12-Month follow-up study. Journal of Headache Pain. 2:39-43.
37.  Figura et al, 2004. H. pylori Infection, risk of osteoporosis and systemic levels of estrogens.
38.  Figura et al, 2002. Possible influence of H. pylori infection on parameters of bone reabsorption in male patients with osteoporosis.
39.  Rieder et al, 2006. Is Helicobacter pylori Gastritis a Risk Factor for Chronic Pancreatitis in Mongolian Gerbils?
40.  Naumovski-Mihalic et al, 2006. Helicobacter pylori Infection as A Cause of Acute Pancreatitis? Fact or Fiction?
41.  Nilsson et al, 2003. Helicobacter Species in the Pancreas, Stomach and Duodenum of Patients with Pancreas Cancer.
42.  Lucca et al, 2004. Alcoholic chronic pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer and H. pylori infection.
43.  Bjarnason et al, 2004. Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of eradication of Helicobacter pylori in idiopathic Parkinsonism.
44.  Pietroiusti et al, 2004. Short and Long Term Effects of Helicobacter pylori Eradication on Clinical Response to L-dopa in Parkinson’s Disease Patients.
45.  Gasbarrini et al, 1998. Helicobacter pylori Eradication Ameliorates Primary Raynaud’s Phenomenon.
46.  Figura et al, 2004. Helicobacter pylori infection and rosacea: an immunoproteomic study of a case.
47.  Capitani et al, 2007. Sperm Characteristics in Patients with Reproductive Disorders Infected by CagA-Positive and CagA-Negative Helicobacter pylori Strains.
48.  Figura et al, 2005. Helicobacter pylori Infection and Autoimmune Diseases: Prevalence of Infection in Patients with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Alignment of Thyroid Hormones with H. pylori Proteins.
49.  Sykora et al, 2007. The Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in Juvenile Lymphocytic Thyroiditis in Childhood and Its Role in the Development of Autoimmunity.
50.  Cavallaro et al, 2007. Is Helicobacter pylori Infection related to Body Atrophic Gastritis in Patients Affected by Autoimmune Thyroid Disease?
51.  Ojetti et al, 2005. Helicobacter pylori Reinfection in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A 5-Year Follow-Up.
52.  Naumovski-Mihalic et al, 2003. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
53.  Oldenburg et al, 1996. High Seroprevalance of Helicobacter pylori in Diabetes Mellitus Patients.
54.  Marcano-Lozada, 2006. Association of Helicobacter pylori and Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria.
55.  Di Campli et al, 1998. Beneficial Effects of Helicobacter pylori Eradication on Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria. Digestive Diseases & Sciences. 43. 6:1226-1229.
56.  Kaptan et al, 2000. Helicobacter pylori – is it a novel causative agent in vitamin B12 deficiency? Arch Intern Med. 160: 1349-1353.
57.  Carmel et al, 1994. Helicobacter pylori Infection and Food-Cobalamin Malabsorption. Digestive Diseases & Sciences. 39. 2: 309-314.
58.  Lewerin et al, 2008. Serum biomarkers for atrophic gastritis and antibodies against Helicobacter pylori in the elderly: Implications for vitamin B12, folic acid and iron status and response to oral vitamin therapy. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, Volume 43, Issue 9 2008, pages 1050 – 1056.
59.  Michopoulos et al, 2003. Helicobacter pylori Seropositivity influences the time of starting as well as the frequency of Vomiting in Pregnancy.
60.  Shirin et al, 2004. Positive Serology for Helicobacter pylori & Vomiting in the pregnancy. Arch Gynecol Obstet; 270: 10-14.
61.  Nobel
62.  Gaby, A. R. helicobacter pylori Eradication: are there alternatives to antibiotics? Altern Med Rev. 2001 6 (4): 355-366
63.  Graham, K. S. M.D & Graham, D.Y. M.D, 2002. Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of H. pylori-Associated Gastrointestinal Disease. Handbooks in Healthcare Co.
64.  Fleming, S.L. Ph.D, 2007. Helicobacter pylori. Chelsea House Publications.

Selected References:

  1. Graham, K. S. M.D & Graham, D.Y. M.D, 2002. Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of H. pylori-Associated Gastrointestinal Disease. Handbooks in Healthcare Co.
  2. Timmins, W. Resolving Chronic Stress Related Disorders. Biohealth Diagnostics DVD Set, 2006.
  3. Labropoulou et al, 2003. Helicobacter pylori in Tonsil Tissue of Greeks.
  4. Kivi et al, 2003. Concordance of Helicobacter pylori Strains Within Families.
  5. Wai-Keung Leung, Joseph J. Y. Sung, Thomas K. W. Ling, Kris L. K. Siu and Augustine F. B. Cheng, 1999. Use of Chopsticks for Eating and Helicobacter pylori Infection. Journal Digestive Diseases and Sciences. Volume 44, Number 6 / June. Pages 1173-1176
  6. Salmanian et al, 2006. Amplification of babA and Urease genes of Helicobacter pylori from Oral, Gastric and Vaginal Yeasts.
  7. Sturegard et al, 2003. Detection of Helicobacter Species in Colon Biopsies.
  8. Labropoulou et al, 2004. Do hyperplastic polyps of the colorectum represent an extragastric reservoir for Helicobacter pylori infection?
  9. Kivi et al, 2003. Concordance of Helicobacter pylori Strains Within Families.
  10. Kafritsa et al, 2002. H. pylori in children’s dental plaque: Correlation with the H. pylori Infection status of their parents.
  11. Weyermann et al, 2005. The Mother as Intrafamilial Source of Helicobacter pylori Infection: A Prospective Birth Cohort.
  12. Cunha et al, 2002. Prevalence and risk factors associated to Helicobacter pylori infection among natives from Western Amazon rainforest, Brazil.
  13. Azevedo et al, 2005. Factors Affecting the Adhesion of Water-Stressed Helicobacter pylori to plumbing Materials.
  14. Garcia-Amado et al, 2005. Isolation of Helicobacter spp. from Seawater, Plankton and Oysters from Areas of the Caribbean Sea Subject to Faecal Contamination.
  15. Puiqueres et al, 2004. Rapid detection of Helicobacter pylori in vegetables irrigated with contaminated water.
  16. Hunt, R.H., & Tytgat, G.N.J., 1998 Helicobacter pylori: Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Cure. Pages 70-71.
  17. Imamura et al, 2003. Cockroaches can be a Possible Carrier of Helicobacter pylori.

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